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Motivational story of Nick Vujicic - MQS

Motivational story of Nick Vujicic

Very good morning readers, welcome to Motivational Quote and Story. Today our topic of discussion going to be depression. Let’s face it, we all had, or some of us currently having some rough patches in our life, because of which we feel depressed. In most cases this depression is the consequence of some sort of failure; it might be a failure in love, failure in career, failure in other relations, etc.  Regarding this topic, there is a famous quote by motivational speaker Nick Vujicic -

“If I fail, I’ll try again, and again. If you fail, aren't you going to try again? The spirit can handle much worse than you realize. It matters how you're going to finish. Aren't you going to finish strong?”― Nick Vujicic (Nick Vujicic quotes)

Today I will try my best to give you guys a little glimpse of Nick Vujicic story as well as his life.

The early life of Nick Vujicic -

Nick was brought up in Melbourne Australia. His date of birth was on 4th Dec 1982. Nick was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, the result of which he was born without fully developed limbs. Although initially, his parents were disheartened by their son’s appearance but eventually they accepted him. Because of Nick's medical condition, Nick used to get bullied throughout his childhood. But getting bullied did not affect his spirit, as it grew stronger every day.

Nick was graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Griffith University. Being motivated at an early age with a newspaper article of a disabled woman, he decided to start giving motivational speeches at the local prayer circle. Thus eventually he became a very famous motivational speaker. He instituted his own motivational speaking company named “ Attitude is Altitude” in 2007. Nick also founded a non-profit organization called “Life Without Limbs” in the year 2005.

Nick Vujicic professional Life -

Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker by profession. As of now, Nick gave his motivational speeches in more than 60 countries, in front of millions of live audiences. Nick wrote many motivational books till today and among them, his first book, “Life without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life” (which is inspired by Nick Vujicic biography) was so inspiring that it got translated into more than 30 international languages.

Books, written by Nick Vujicic

Apart from his famous “Life without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life", Nick authored many other books as well. Below are the books are written by Nick -

  • "Your Life Without Limits"
  • "Unstoppable: -  The Incredible Power of Faith in Action"
  • "Limitless: - Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life"
  • "The Power of Unstoppable Faith"
  • "Stand Strong"
  • "Love Without Limits"
  • "Be the Hands and Feet: -  Living Out God's Love for All His Children".

Nick Vujicic Achievements and recognitions -

Nick received the best actor award for a short film named, “The Butterfly Circus” from Method Fest Independent Film Festival in the year 2010.

Nick Vujicic Net Worth –

It Is estimated that Nick’s current net worth is close to 0.7 Million USD, which is earned mainly as the loyalty of his bookselling.

Nick Vujicic Family –

Nick got married on 12th Feb 2010 to Kanae Miyahara. Currently, Nick is living in California where Nick is living a healthy happy and prosperous life with his wife and two sons Kiyoshi and Dejan and twin daughters Ellie and Olivia.

Summary and takeaway from Nick’s story –

From the story of Nick, we got to know it is important to stay strong mentally during the toughest times of our life. When you are tough mentally there are no obstacles in life that one cannot overcome. In our mind, there are two personalities, which always confronts us in every aspect of our life. One of the aspects always wants to keep us in a safe zone where there is no option of going out of our way to achieving something big or something which we in our subconscious mind always dreamed of achieving. But the other aspect of our mind always shows us our actual situation and always push us to achieve our dream. Now it is up to us which aspect we need to listen to. If we want to stay in our comfort we can listen to the first aspect but this will never make you achieve your dream, you will always stay at your own life thinking how great it would have been if we could become, say suppose, a celebrity. But If we choose the other one, for sure the path will not be an easy one. It will lead to failure again and again but this time it will not allow you to quit. It will make you work for your success, if you are failing to achieve it, it will make you found alternate ways to find your success. Unlike the first aspect, it will not allow you to become depressed, because being depressed will not going to be an option, it will not help you achieve anything. We need to oversite this depressing aspect of our life. It's true that life is not easy. It has ups and downs. It is quite natural to be upset during the downtime of our life. But those who prepare them mentally and physically for this kind of situation always find ways to overcome the situation easily.

Now when you are feeling depressed, just think about Nick Vujicic, who was born with tetra-amelia syndrome which for many of us is an unthinkable anomaly. Living without a limb was a challenge many might fail to accomplish. Not only this when growing up he also had to face mistreatment from the kids of his age but despite all these issues, Nick had a dream, the dream of inspiring others. He also could have chosen the easy way of living a normal life, a life where he had to be dependent on others. But Nick did not choose the easy path, he worked very hard and to achieve his dream. Now he is living a happy life with his family and we will wish him all the best for his future.


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