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Motivational story of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson - MQS

Motivational story of Dwayne Johnson The Rock

Very good day readers welcome to Motivational quote and story. Today Our Motivational quote is from one of my favorite wrestlers from WWE, Dwayne "The Rock"  Johnson -

“Always Asked, ‘what’s the Key to Success?’ The Answer As There is No Key. Be Humble, Hungry, and Always Be The Hardest Worker In The Room.” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Today our motivational story is going to be about one of the highest-paid Hollywood actor, a successful producer, former 10 times WWE champion, and a former American Football player. No, we are not going to talk about four different people here, instead, we will be talking about one person with all the above attributes. Well, you might have already guessed it correctly, he is Dwayne Johnson also referred to as “The Rock”.

Although we might know many great things about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, there are also few sides of the man which is not known to all. These unknown sides include his troubled childhood, his family issues, his depression, and his failures. Today we will be addressing these aspects of The Rock’s personality and try to understand how he dealt with these issues like a true champion and become one of the most successful persons in the World.

Back story and Childhood of Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne was born on 2nd May 1972 in Hayward, California. He is the son of Rocky Johnson. Rocky Johnson was one of the first African American wrestlers to become World Tag Team Champion. Although Rocky was pretty successful in the wrestling ring, his personal life was a different story altogether. He has several extramarital affairs, because of which he got divorced from her wife and Dwayne’s mother, Ata Johnson. During his childhood, little Dwayne saw his parents struggling with their relationship and getting divorced. During one speech, he revealed that due to financial problems they were evicted from the apartment, making them homeless for a while. While Dwayne was 15, he saw his mother attempting suicide, due to her personal and financial issues. Things got worse when his father Rock Johnson was alleged with a molestation charge from a 19-year girl, which, according to Rocky was done to defame him. Because of this allegation, Rocky was blacklisted from Wrestling for his lifetime. Because of this incident, Dwayne found himself deep into depression. At this juncture, he found hope when he got a full football scholarship from The University of Miami. To counter his depression and to pursue a carrier in National Football League (NFL) Dwayne starting to do weight training. As per him, this training helped him a lot to deal with depressions and anxiety. Dwayne suffered a huge blow to his football carrier when, because of various injuries, he got dropped off from his school after 1st semester, and at the same time he got replaced in the football team, which literary ended his football carrier.

The Rock and his wrestling career -

With 7 dollars in his hand and a mind full of depression, Dwayne finally realized that he needs to do something to change his life. During this time he again got a call from his former coach with an offer to join back the football team. But this time he respectfully rejected the offer as he decided to follow his father’s footsteps and become a wrestler. Although Rocky never wanted his son to become a wrestler but succumbed to his son’s determination Rocky finally let Dwayne join professional wrestling. In the initial days, Pat Patterson and Rocky started to train Dwayne the art of professional wrestling. In the year 1996, it was Survivor Series pay-per-view when Dwayne first debuted in Wrestling. But this time also Dwayne faced a lot of rejection from the hardcore wrestling fans as they did not like his gimmick and the wrestling style. But at this point, Dwayne already dealt with a lot of suffering and rejection, hence this new rejection from the wrestling crowd was not able to demotivate him. With this newfound “never-give-up” attitude and some little modification in his style, Dwayne rediscovered himself in the wrestling arena with the ring name “The Rock”. This time his gimmick clicked and “The Rock” gained a huge fan following. In the wrestling arena “The Rock” became a household name and an asset to the WWE organization. He helped to sell out all the pay-per-views wherever he is in the headline. 

Acting career of Dwayne Johnson

His great success in wrestling and his huge fan following helped him a lot when he made his transition from wrestling to the Hollywood movie industry. Although in the initial days there were few hiccups in his movie carrier, with strong will and determination he fought back and made his mark in Hollywood. In the USA only, his movies on average make over $3.5 billion and over $10 billion worldwide, making him one of the World’s highest-paid actors. Dwayne Johnson’s success never stopped here he is now the co-owner of the American football league (XFL) and a successful Producer. Fun fact, the name of The Rock’s production company is “Seven Bucks Production” which is a node to his early life when he had only $7 in his hand.

Personal life and family of Dwayne Johnson -

Dwayne’s in his personal life has also faced a setback when he got divorced from his first wife Dany Gracia in 2008. In 2019 Dwayne got married again to his second wife Lauren Hashian. Dwayne currently has three daughters, his first daughter Simone (with his first wife) is following her father’s footsteps and currently planning to launch herself as the first 4th Generation wrestler in WWE. With his second wife, he has two daughters, Jasmine and Tiana. Although separated Dwayne maintains a healthy relationship with his ex-wife Dany. This is pretty interesting to know that Dany is still his Brand Manager.

Conclusion -

The story of Dwayne “The Rock” Jonson proves that life is full of difficulties, with the right attitude and determination we all can deal with the challenges it thoroughs towards us and become successful just like “The Rock”. 


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