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Motivational story of Kollakkayil Devaki Amma - MQS

Motivational story of Kollakkayil Devaki Amma

Good day readers, welcome to Motivational Quote and Story. Today we will share a very special story of Kollakkayil Devaki Amma. She is an environmental activist from India who is also known as the forest woman of India. So without wasting any precious time let's get into her story.

There is a beautiful quote by Samuel Johnson –

“Great Works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.”

This line is perfectly fit for Kollakkayil Devaki Amma. Kollakkayil Devaki Amma was born in 1934 currently at 87 she is famous for her contribution towards the environment as the woman who planted trees in India. Believe it or not, she worked for more than 40 years and planted many trees on her property by herself, and created a forest. In her forest, there are more than to 3000 trees that spread over 4.5 acres of land at her personal property near the Onattukara area which is located in the Alappuzha district of Kerala.

Kollakkayil Devaki Amma's upbringing and childhood -

Devaki Amma was born and brought up in a family of farmers. Being a nature lover she used to love working in the field. But early in her life, due to an accident, her leg got severely injured because of which she was no longer able to work in the paddy field. But this did not stop her. She devoted herself to planting various trees at her property. Her family, especially her husband stood beside her and helped her with her mission of tree plantation.

Kollakkayil Devaki Amma's forest - 

Devaki Amma believed in organic farming, in her private forest she grew various exotic fruit trees, bamboos, exotic flowers, etc. There are close to 300o trees in her forest. Although not educated in formal ways, she worked toward saving the environment when nobody thought about the concept of saving the environment. In her forest, apart from various trees and flowers, one can see monkeys, various kinds of birds that took shelter in the forest.

Recognization -  

Devaki Amma recently received “Nari Shakti Puruskar” from Indian President Ram Nath Kovind for her involvement in saving the environment. She is an inspiration to all of us who care about our beloved earth and the environment. We all wish her a long and happy life.

Consultation -

Kollakkayil Devaki Amma's love for the environment was started when there was barely any threat to the environment. Today the threat to the environment is quite evident and there are several organizations, NGOs who are working very hard towards environmental protection.

From the beginning of time, our nature is blessing us with such an environment with suits people and other creatures to flourish. But the greed of humankind and the everlasting hunger for development are somehow polluting the environment. We are polluting seas with plastic waste, chopping down forests to make new townships and factories. On daily basis polluting the river with chemicals from the factories, polluting the air with toxic Carbon dioxide.

If you see the statistics there are more than 5.5 million people die every year due to the effect of pollution. This effect of pollution can also be noticed in our seas. It has been noticed that in the last decade the seawater became more acidic than it was previously. Not only that, the wastage of water is causing a shortage of underground water. With the rising greenhouse gas, the Icecaps in both the polar area is melting at a frightening rate, and as a result, the sea level is getting increased. It has been estimated that because of the rising sea level by the year 2050 most of the coastal areas of the world will be under the water, and there will be mass human migration from the coastal areas to the highlands. This list of effects goes so deep that if we do not take action right away then there will no chance for us in the future to reverse the adverse effect of climate change.

Now if we think about what we can do to prevent such environmental disasters, as such an initiative is supposed to come from our government. But that’s not the way to deal with this issue. If we take the responsibility at a micro-level from our end and pledge not to contribute towards the pollution then at a macro level we can definitely see the change.

We are the human, the most intelligent creature on the earth should always care for our environment. Destroying our nature will make our existence obsolete. We need to care for our environment in a way we care for our parents. If we can do that only then there will be a scope for improvement. In the year 1972, from 5th to 16th June there was a United Nations summit in Stockholm, capital of Sweden, where the major decisions were taken to encounter the effects of environmental-related issues. This is the reason 5th June is marked as the world’s environment day.

Now the question is how to save our environment. If we take the example of Kollakkayil Devaki Amma, she did a huge contribution towards environmental protection by planting a forest. I know, most of us cannot do such a thing at a huge level like Devaki Amma, but we can give our contribution at a minuscule level. We can pledge, that on each of our birthdays or on the birthday of our loved ones we will plant a tree. Trees are the only savior of us, not only it will give us oxygen which is necessary for our life but it also helps us preventing soil erosion, keep our environment cool, reduce the and reverse the global warming by reducing the greenhouse gases.

Apart from that, we need to reduce the use of plastic materials especially polythene bags as those things are not biodegradable. Even if we burn them it will produce so many toxic gases that will affect the health of the people in healing those gasses.

We also need to be careful using electricity, if we waste electricity then the power grids need to produce more, which will eventually contribute to the pollution. Also, the government needs to step in terms of using renewable energy sources. So that we use less Cole while producing power.

In the end, thanks for reading this article, if you like it please share it on social media, post your thoughts in case of any suggestions. Thank you….

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